CFO Organic Olive Oil Extra Virgin 250ml
Extra virgin, cold-pressed and unrefined. "Extra virgin" is the highest grade for olive oil. The oil is extracted by mechanical-pressed under the temperature less than 27 °C. It has 0.35% of free fatty acid (FFA) and exhibits superior taste, colour and aroma Produced with freshly picked high quality of organic olives and freshly pressed oil without the use of excessive heat resulted in a pretty low "acidity", which is well under 0.5% FFA
- Healthy choice for cooking, high in monounsaturated fat (67%) content
- Loaded with powerful antioxidants which helps in lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), blood pressure, and the risk of coronary heart disease
- Strong anti-inflammatory properties, these include oleic acid as well as the antioxidant oleocanthal
- Extra virgin olive oil protects against cognitive decline and learning ability, which may help to fight Alzheimer’s Disease
- Direct consumption
- 170°C of smoke point, only suitable for low-heat cooking and stir-frying
- Great in salad dressing, marinades and sauces
- Drizzle over dishes for a boost in flavou